

cryptocurrency, Telegram, Python, bot, blockchain, cryptocurrency market, cryptocurrency analysis, security, data protection


This article discusses the development of a cryptocurrency bot using the Telegram messenger and the Python programming language. The relevance of the topic is due to the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies and the need for convenient tools to work with them. The main types of cryptocurrencies, their features, and areas of application are considered. Existing cryptocurrency services and bots are analyzed, and their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The article proposes its own concept of a cryptocurrency bot, which takes into account the needs of users and current market trends. The functional capabilities of the bot, its architecture, and technology stack are described. The issues of security and user data protection are considered. The article contains practical recommendations for the development and implementation of cryptocurrency bots, which can be useful for specialists in the field of information technology and the cryptocurrency market.


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How to Cite

Averichev, I. and Shchehol, A. 2024. DEVELOPMENT OF A CRYPTOCURRENCY BOT USING TELEGRAM MESSENGER AND PYTHON. Applied Problems of Computer Science, Security and Mathematics. 3 (Sep. 2024), 66–70.